Шампонот за сув шампон Morfose Biotin & Collagen Milk Therapy прави косата да изгледа чисто без потреба од миење со својата специјално развиена формула. Сув шампон Milk Therapy ја поддржува вашата нега на коса со своите 12 амино киселини и млечни протеини.
Совршено го апсорбира маслото формирано на косата и скалпот и додава волумен на косата. Тоа ви помага да постигнете жива и полна коса. Прави косата да мириса убаво со својот пријатен мирис. Нема остатоци. Не е потребно плакнење. Погоден за сите типови коса.
We want you to be happy with your purchase and we apologize if it is not. For whatever reason that you are not satisfied, we would be most happy to provide exchanges and returns for all items purchased from us if the following conditions are met.
All exchanges and returns would need to be raised within 10 days of the invoice date for Singaporeorders, and 20 days for overseas orders. For local deliveries, there is an option to exchange at any of our boutiques within Singaporeor through our online portal at www.company.com. All requests for returns however, would need to be strictly made online at www.company.com for both local and overseas deliveries.
Interpretation and Definitions
All exchanges and returns would need to be raised within 10 days of the invoice date for Singaporeorders, and 20 days for overseas orders. For local deliveries, there is an option to exchange at any of our boutiques within Singaporeor through our online portal at www.company.com. All requests for returns however, would need to be strictly made online at www.company.com for both local and overseas deliveries.